Jabari Hall: Attitude-belief-committment




Jabari Hall's Weekly Motivation Podcast - Episode III ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE GREATS BECOME GREAT BECAUSE THEY TURN FEAR INTO TRIUMPH. The great Nelson Mandela said “I learned that courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear”. The great Franklin D Roosevelt said “The only thing to fear is fear itself”. And I say to you.. IF FEAR is holding you back. Recognize that you have to put on that armor of GOD. Look FEAR in the eye and say “ITS EITHER YOU OR ME”, burn all the ships on step onto that island. And recognize that you Beautiful, Smart, Unique, Conquering, Animalistic, Relentless, Undeniable, and Fearless YOU, will and can be as great as you are meant to be. Change the world like you are meant to. But dammit, in order for that to happen, YOU have to get started.... TODAY. ​ Jabari Hall Founder of JHasHeart JHasHeart LLC, All Rights Reserved