Opportunity Starts At Home

Episode 24 - Racial Equity & Housing w/ Amanda Andere



This episode discusses the intersections between racial equity and housing with Amanda Andere, CEO of Funders Together to End Homelessness. Ms. Andere discusses the work of her organization, how racial inequities manifest in housing and homelessness, the history of housing discrimination, what it takes to achieve large-scale policy change, the common mistakes that organizations make in pursuing racial equity work, the importance of distinguishing between intent and impact, how the philanthropic community is increasingly committed to addressing structural and racial inequities, and why centering racial equity becomes even more important in crises such as the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. "For us, racial equity is not just the absence of overt racial discrimination," said Ms. Andere. "It is also the presence of deliberate policies and practices that provide everyone with the support they need to improve their quality of lives." Intro/Closing Song: Free Music Library, YouTube, “Clover 3” URL: www.youtube.com