Opportunity Starts At Home

Episode 26 - Centering Racial Equity in an Affordable Homes Campaign



In this episode, we discuss the work of the Opportunity Starts at Home campaign’s Racial Equity Working Group with Peggy Bailey, Vice President of Housing Policy at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Throughout the episode, Ms. Bailey discusses the history of racism in housing policy, the first steps when organizations embark upon racial equity work, her major reflections and takeaways, the intersectional impact of correcting racial inequities in housing policy, and the value of applying an anti-racist framework to housing justice. “There is a true commitment to race equity work and doing better in the housing space,” said Ms. Bailey. “Policies and practices have caused racial disparities, so intentionality and courage are needed to reverse and correct them.” Intro/Closing Song: Free Music Library, YouTube, “Clover 3” URL: www.youtube.com/audiolibrary