Opportunity Starts At Home

Episode 27 - Building Multi-Sector Partnerships in Ohio



The episode explores the work of the campaign’s state-based affiliates in Ohio and features Gina Wilt, advocacy director at the Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio (COHHIO). Throughout the episode, Ms. Wilt discusses the housing crisis in Ohio, the opportunities and challenges of building multi-sector partnerships, best practices for organizations looking to build a multi-sector coalition, how COHHIO is advancing racial equity, and how COHHIO is leveraging multi-sector partnerships to advance more robust and equitable housing policies. “I cannot underscore enough the importance of education and outreach in congressional meetings,” says Ms. Wilt. “And without having the diversity in COHHIO’s coalition partners to fully participate, I really don’t think it would be as successful.” Intro/Closing Song: Free Music Library, YouTube, “Clover 3” URL: www.youtube.com/audiolibrary