Ethics & Psychology

Episode 6: Ethical Analysis



Dr. Richard F. Small joins John to discuss ethical decision-making, ethics education, and vignette analysis.  Rick and John will use information from Episodes 4 and 5 to demonstrate the differences among ethical issues, clinical concerns, legal matters, and risk management.  They will utilize the SHAPE decision-making model in conjunction with the acculturation model to demonstrate ways to consider ethical and clinical decision-making.  There will be some discussion on risk management and legal issues.  They will also discuss possible emotional issues that complicate decision-making skills. At the end of this podcast, the listener will be able to: 1. Outline the relevant factors if the SHAPE decision-making model, 2. Identify the competing ethical principles in the vignettes, and, 3. Practice integrating personal values with professional ethics. Click here to purchase 1 APA-approved Continuing Education credit