
Green Roof Plants - How do They Survive?! Part 2/2



Green Roof Plants - How do They Survive Written and narrated by Dr. Anna Zakrisson for Purple-Roof. www.purple-roof.com/ _____ Pests and green roof plants During which parts of your life did you get the most infections? If you’d allow me to make a qualified guess, I’d probably say that it has been during times of high stress, mentally and/or physically. If we sleep little, eat poorly, and stress a lot, we tend to get sick. In a way, this is also the case for plants, through their stress looks different. Plant stress can be things like too little (or too much) water, high UV radiation, too much shade, too little (or too much) nutrients, or nutrients in the wrong ratios. Usually, one moderate stressor won’t crash a system, but if several of them come together, well, then you end up with sick plants. Often, we apply pesticides and hope for the best. However, if the stressors aren’t being dealt with, we are just postponing the situation. As an example, we were once asked to remove grubs that were eating up