Empwr Series

#9 - Gordon Stringer | Rowans Law



www.empwr.ca Gordon Stinger is the Father of Rowan Stringer who passed away in 2013 at the age of 17 after suffering a head injury in rugby. Since her passing a law has been passed within Ontario to educate as many people as possible about concussion. The law also acts to limit the instance of preventable injuries after concussion whether secondary head injury or other bodily injuries. Gordon (her father) and Kathleen (her mother) fought to find answers which lead to engaging with political parties that ultimately enacted this new law. As a young girl Rowan had dreams of helping people for a living. Named after her, Rowans Law is now doing exactly that. In this episode we discuss the social issues around concussion, how Rowans Law was created, what exactly this law entails, how you can get involved and finally a message from Gordon to parents of young athletes. www.empwr.ca