The Wodcast Podcast

475 Mickey (Metcon) Porter - CrossFit Coach, Affiliate Owner and Adaptive Masters Competitor



After years of lifting weights, marathon training, and other various fitness activities, Mickey discovered CrossFit in 2011. After a year in Denver and visiting dozens of different CrossFit boxes, Mickey returned to CrossFit Toledo, completed his CrossFit L1 training, and joined our coaching staff. As a graduate of the University of Michigan business school, Mickey works as a personal financial advisor when he is not at the gym. His passion for people lead him to becoming a coach for both physical and fiscal fitness. Exclusive to WODcast listeners: From Naked Nutrition: For supplements with no artificial additives. It means the fewest and purest ingredients, so you know exactly what’s going in your body. Get Naked and save 10% on your first order using code WODCAST10 at