Live Different Podcast: Business | Travel | Health | Performance

MTP13: Sustainable Adventure Travel with Daniel Noll & Audrey Scott of Uncornered Market



Daniel Noll and Audrey Scott are the husband-and-wife storytelling team behind Uncornered Market Adventurers, world travelers, adventurers, storytellers, and tourism advisors from the US and based in Berlin.  They have been to over 90 countries and are two of my very favorite people in tourism. Their goal is to create a movement of respectful travelers and organizations who live at the intersection of adventure, deep travel experiences, and caring for our planet and its people. We hope not just to inspire, but to help others build a story-filled life, whether that life takes them around the block…or around the world. Today, we speak about Sustainable tourism & adventure travel that cares for our planet & its people. This topic is one that I’m super passionate about as Daniel and Audrey are owners of a tourism development consultancy & travel blog. They aim to humanize the places we visit, drawing our readers in through photographs and stories, so they connect with people and places they might othe