Robb Wolf - The Paleo Solution Podcast - Paleo Diet, Nutrition, Fitness, And Health

Episode 435 - Q&A with Robb and Nicki #28



We're back with more of the Q&A you crave!  Episode 435, Q&A #28 Submit your own questions for the podcast at: If you want to see the video for this podcast, be sure to check out our YouTube channel.   Show Notes: 1. Overeating On Keto [2:08] Steve says: Hi Rob, I don't want to take too much of your time. But going Keto for me has found me doing exactly what I feared I could do. I have been Paleo for five or six years and so has my wife. We have no kids at home so grains and junky carbs are not and issue or even a temptation. I am in the middle of doing the keto masterclass, which I am savouring because I have been making some mistakes. I am 50 years old and work out regularly doing either mixed kettlebell workouts or if I do weight and resistance training at the moment I like to do whole body workouts 3 X a week and can mix in some cardio in between. I have kept fit most of my life, my goal is as I age to stay lean and keep mobile. Pret