Robb Wolf - The Paleo Solution Podcast - Paleo Diet, Nutrition, Fitness, And Health

Episode 440 - Q&A with Robb & Nicki #33



It's Episode 440, Q&A #33 time! Submit your own questions for the podcast at: Individual question videos are linked in each question title, but if you want to see the complete video for this podcast, be sure to check out our YouTube channel.   Show Notes:   1. Chocolate-Coated Peanut Diet? [2:18] Troels says: I normally base my diet on paleo principles, but for the past month, I have been eating roughly 400 grams of sugar- and chocolate-coated peanuts a day. This should be unhealthy, but my digestion has improved after having been out of whack for months because of SSRIs, and I have consistent morning wood which, mainly due to SSRIs has been rare. Despite eating more than 2000 kcals just in candy each day - half of which is sugar - I still look lean (almost too lean), and, if anything, I'm adding muscle. I notice a small sugar high and subsequent low, but that's pretty much the negative effects. Also, by doing this, I'm ingesting good amounts