Corporate Warrior: High Intensity Training And Hit Business

307 - Luke Carlson - 10 Reasons NOT to Start a High Intensity Strength Training Business



Luke Carlson (luke @ is a Certified Exercise Physiologist & Kinesiologist, and CEO of Discover Strength, a personal training business based in Minneapolis and four other personal training facilities in Minnesota.  Luke is a sought after speaker on leadership and business management. Once a year, Luke and the Discover Strength team host the Resistance Exercise Conference.   Buy a Discover Strength Franchise If you’ve been thinking about starting your own HIT studio or lifestyle business, you need to consider the whole picture, and tune in as Luke enumerates the 10 reasons why you should NOT start a HIT business.  Still want to move ahead with your business? Then you should join HIT Business Membership For all of the show notes, links and resources - Click Here