A Better Life W/ Rachel Rofe - Practical Personal Development For An Amazing Life + Business

Why financial freedom is a journey of self love - with Danetha Doe



Today's show is Part 2 of our series with Danetha Doe. In this show, we talk about how financial freedom is a journey of self love. Some of the things we cover are: - Why a strong sense of self worth leads to earning more income - A morning ritual you can do to feel better about your money and yourself - People who feel like having money is a bad thing (usually because of spiritual beliefs) - How to get over the "Fraud Factor" that so many people struggle with You can find Part 1 with Danetha Doe - Track your money and transform your life - right here. As always, please me know how you enjoyed this episode by pinging me on Twitter.com/RachelRofe or Facebook.com/RachelRofe. :) Links and Resources Mentioned: Track your money and transform your life - Part 1 of our chat with Danetha Change your money mindset and earn more, with Denise Duffield-Thomas – This is the interview with Denise Duffield-Thomas (another money mindset expert that’s been on A Better Life) that Danetha mentioned Bookkeeping 101 - Danetha's