The Livin' La Vida Low-carb Show With Jimmy Moore

1738: Jimmy Moore And Hank Garner Talk About Keto In The Real World



On today’s episode of the LLVLC Show, Jimmy is joined by Hank Garner to talk about what keto looks like in the real world. “This is about getting healthy and maintaining health, not about looking a certain way.” Hank Garner In today’s interview, Jimmy chats with his right-hand man in the LLVLC empire named Hank Garner who is an accomplished podcaster in his own right as the host of The Author Stories Podcast. A decade ago, Hank was a low-carb weight loss success story and started blogging and podcasting (“My Low Carb Journey”) about his incredible experience and success with this healthy way of eating. But… As Hank started getting older (he’s one month older than Jimmy) and allowing in what he describes as the “carb creep,” it led to him to inevitably regaining weight–and now he’s ready to get serious about eating better again. This brand new “Keto In The Real World” Tuesday segment of the LLVLC podcast will air every couple of weeks to help keep Hank accountable and Jimmy will provide his running commentary