Mylife: Chassidus Applied

Ep. 361: What Can Chassidus Teach Us About July 4th and Independence?



Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Chassidus applied to the Three Weeks What lessons does this time period have for us? Why is it called “Bein HaMitzorim”? Is there a connection between the ripening of almonds in 21 days and the Three Weeks? Surfisde: How can we still hold on to hope ten days since the Surfside collapse? What should I do with my angry feelings toward G-d for allowing such tragedy? What should we be doing today about events around us? Lessons from Matos Massei Why can’t women annul their own vows? Why weren’t the tribes of Reuven and Gad punished for refusing to enter Israel? How did the cities of refuge work? Why was Moshe’s Moabite wife different than the other Moabite women? What can Chassidus teach us about July 4th and Independence? Whom should we be voting for in the NY Mayoral election? Comments and Follow-up: Covid vaccination Chassidus question: If G-d recreates exist