The New Man

Go From Poopy-Pants to Power — Tripp Lanier



Tired of feeling uninspired or “meh?” Tired of hearing yourself bitch and complain? And why do we choose to “cover our ass, kiss ass, or prove we’re not an ass?” In this short video, we explore a simple process to use our mood to our advantage. In this episode: Why do moods matter? What causes our moods? Why are we giving up our power? The 3 step process to shift a lousy mood into empowering action Why do we choose to “cover our ass, kiss ass, or prove we’re not an ass?” You don't have to settle. Click here to learn the same mindset principles that Tripp Lanier uses with his coaching clients — including Navy SEALs, executives, and entrepreneurs. The Daily Toolkit is available for immediate download. Most men will let fear get the best of them. This book is not for most men. This Book Will Make You Dangerous is a swift kick in the ass that will make you laugh out loud. It’s a practical guide to play