Everything Is Psychological

Bipolar Disorder - What You Need to Know



In the fourth episode we take a look at Bipolar Disorder. What is it? What are its symptos? Can we treat it? I go through the basics of what is Bipolar Disorder, and make some suggestions on how to manage it. We also will modify the format of the podcast for solo rounds. We are adding a new segment titled Did You See That? Psychology in the News. We will take a look at music therapy for people with Alzheimers.  According to the Stanford University School of Medicine Biploar Disorder is"Also known as manic depressive illness, bipolar disorder is characterized by severe and disabling highs (mania) and lows (depression).” It goes between the two poles. Think of it as a football or a soccer field. On one end is mania and on the other is depression. The person goes from the depths of depression to the highs of mania over and over. The research varies on how many people are affected by it. The numbers are between 2.2 million and 6 million Americans. “This illness typically begins in adolescence or early adulthood a