Mylife: Chassidus Applied

Ep. 351: What Is the Rebbe’s View On the State of Israel?



Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Chassidus applied to Acharei-Kedoshim How to balance healthy tension and resolution? What does it mean to sanctify your life? What lessons do we learn from the 3 meanings in the word Sefirah 28 Nissan – 30 years: Moshiach Why is there no campaign to improve our midos? What should we study in particular? A practical suggestion When Moshiach comes... How do we balance actively waiting for Moshiach while responsibly living our daily lives? Do we bring Moshiach by doing mitzvot or do we wait for Moshiach and do mitzvot? How will we get to Israel? What is the Rebbe’s view on the State of Israel? What should we do about Israel’s new conversion law accepting conservative and reform conversions? Chassidus question:  Why do the 248 positive mitzvos correspond to the 248 limbs? MyLife 2020 Chassidus Applied Es