Life Long Learner

Ep. 36 - Learning to love Mondays



We have all been there, Sunday afternoon rolls around and the heavyweight seems to sink in, Monday is coming! We have this connotation about Monday's being dreadful, heavy, non-joy provoking kinda day. This happens when we come back from holidays too...Why is that? Gines and Matt chat about why they love their Monday. They heard from they friends family and colleagues, 'oh it is easy for you.' you see all have a choice on how we look at Mondays. If we like it or not, Mondays are coming and they are going to continue to come.  They chat about how you can set up your Monday mornings for a series of green lights.  Life is too short to not like Mondays. It doesn't have to be always sunshine and rainbows, but what is the overall feeling of Mondays? We can choose what our Monday look mornings look like.  "The storm is coming if we like it or not, you can stay inside and whinge about it, or learn to dance in the ran." For more updates and to subscribe head  to - Fa