The Psych Files

Ep 326: Giving Voice To Our Digital Assistants



Why do our digital assistants such as Alexa, Google Home, Siri and Cortana have "feminized" voices and what are the effects of this trend? That's what I explore in this episode. Are there negative effects of using female voices in the devices we talk to and who talk to us? Are there alternatives? Turns out there is an alternative - a "genderless" voice. What does that sound like? Tune in to find out as we explore gender roles, expectations and equality. I’d Blush If I Could We tested bots like Siri and Alexa to see who would stand up to sexual harassment Why Siri and Alexa Weren’t Built to Smack Down Harassment Hey Siri, stop perpetuating sexist stereotypes, UN says Is it time for Alexa and Siri to have a “MeToo moment”? Female voice assistants fuel damaging gender stereotypes, says a UN study My WIX site and online learning experience in which I re-create the experiment conducted by Loftus and Palmer on eyewitness testimony. The reason digital assistants acquiesce to harassment isn’t just sexism or gender