Mylife: Chassidus Applied

Ep. 346: How Do I Deal With a Serious Setback – Loss, Trauma, Death and Other Hardships?



Addressing the Personal and Emotional Needs of Our Community and Answering the Most Pressing Questions of Our Lives -- from the Perspective of Chassidic Thought. THIS WEEK'S TOPICS: • Chassidus applied to Ki Tissa and Parah         o How do I deal with a serious setback? With loss, trauma, death and other hardships?         o What fundamentals can we learn from this week’s Parsha based on the sicha of Ki Tissa 5752?         o What relevant lessons does the red heifer have for us today?         o If the people who saw the miracles of the exodus and the revelations at Sinai could still sin and make a golden calf, what chance do we have to not steer away from sin?         o What are the 13 attributes of mercy, and how can we use them in our daily lives?         o Why did Mosh