New Captains Of Industry

Wall Street 1-2-1 :It's Like Speed Dating for Companies"



Today, Host Dwayne Deslatte interviews Dodi Handy, one of the Founders of Wall Street 1-2-1  an innovative new way for pre-public and public companies to meet with money managers, investments banks and wealthy individuals to garner interest in investing their deals. Let’s face it….traditional road showing to meet with the Wall Street community is inefficient, extraordinarily exhausting and consumes entirely too much valuable time and money that could be otherwise spent on building one’s business. Nonetheless, financial road showing is an imperative aspect of managing a public (or pre-public) company that must be accomplished in order to win and maintain meaningful market attention, retail and institutional support, and investment banking sponsorship. Conversely, many investment professionals make their living by discovering and investing in obscure, high growth companies. This means they must be willing to do the time-consuming legwork to find them. They read volumes of financial