
Joint Venture Discussions with Larry Loik



On this episode we'll discuss offline and online joint ventures. Larry brings a wealth of JV experience and will be discussing his upcoming event in LA and sharing with us the importance of automating and systemizing all your marketing under one roof. Larry Loik has vast experience around money & finances, real estate investing, marketing & cutting edge internet marketing. He has appeared on:  CNBC,97.1FM KLSX CBS Radio,KNX1070 AM L.A. ,New York Times, LATimes, PBS, Trinity Broadcast Network,Money Magazine, BloomBerg ,KFWB 980 AM, The Ventura County Star & Countless other Media Outlets. Larry is creator of THE COMPLETE MARKETING SYSTEM a complete suite of Software technology to simplify & Automate all your Online Marketing under one program.  He also is the Developer of the world patented SqueezePage technology that can put a video opt-in page o any website. Mr Loik was the largest franchisee of Anthony Robbins in the world & was personally trained by Tony himself.  He has run venture capi