Between Two Worlds With Sadie: Books For Kids | Jokes | Fun Facts

BTW 016 - My First Ever Interview w/ Duncan Weller



Oi! Espero que tenha tido um bom Natal!  That's Portuguese for:  Hi!  I hope that you had a good Christmas! I know that I had an AWESOME Christmas!  'Cus guess what my parents got me!  My very own iPad mini 3!  How awesome is that?  What awesome presents did you get?  Leave me a comment or send me an email by following these links: Comment (bottom of the page) Email me   Joke of the Week! Joke of the Week Joke Man: The teacher said to one of her students: Tell the class what book you read and what you thought about it?  Then the student said: I read the phone book. I did not understand it because it had too many characters.   Links and Videos of the Week! This is the website where you can read all about Duncan Weller: Author of the Week! Duncan Weller is a local author who writes and has written many children's books as well as some adult novels, too. This is the link where you can browse and buy all of his books: Duncan Weller's ebook store Thanks for Listening! Obrigado pela atenção, espero