Building Your Network In Photography

Artists You Should Know in Photography - with Erik Valind



Artists You Should Know is all about helping you expand your skill set and becoming a better photographer and business person. Skip Cohen is your host and today's guest is commercial lifestyle photographer, Erik Valind.Based out of NYC, Erik's skill set goes far beyond just commercial/lifestyle photography. He's a writer, a photo-educator and is regularly involved in various workshops in the photographic industry. Erik is all about energetic imagery. As he works with each subject he focuses on building the relationship. Great images and natural expressions come out of building great trust with each client. There are already two posts on the SCU site related to his work – one about his new book, the other about relationship building and his shoot for Yamaha with Josh Groban.A big thanks to Erik for taking the time for this podcast and toTamron USA for not only making great glass, but introducing us to Erik and his work!