Drleanne Deardeuff

AstroCleansology: The Sun Shines in Libra!



Fall has arrived and now we are turning our focus inward and where we stand with ourselves in relationship to the world. Much of the tension we experienced this summer is being relieved by the ushering in of this sign as it was a key player in all of the intensity. Libra is symbolized by the scales, so it seeks harmony, balance, and justice. In terms of AstroCleansology, Libra rules the kidneys,their pH and thus the body's alkaline balance. There is much we can be doing to support kidney health this time of year.Did you make your new moon intentions? If you are a Libra, you still have time to leverage this powerful energy! http://astrocleansology.com/?p=978Do you have a question for Regina? Please post them at: http://ylcleansers.com/index.php?topic=2105.0