Life Long Learner

Ep. 31 Learning from celebration



It is a festive time of year. Let the celebrating begin. This week Matt and Gines chat about the benefits and the need to celebrate. Celebrating does not happen enough in today's world. Often secluded to Hallmark specific days of the year. Birthday. Christmas. Mother’s Day. Father day. Valentine’s Day. It can seem very clinical and lifeless. What about the daily celebrations, for all the things in our life. What about celebrating the our relationships. our body, our mind and most importantly the daily wins. Why do the problems take up all our attention when the celebration is the fuel in the tank? The boys challenge each other and you,  to put more fuel in your tank celebrate the daily wins and all that you already have. Keep striving but don’t forget the grateful heart. The more you celebrate in your life, the more there is to celebrate. Life should not only be live but celebrated. Not sure which one ;) you choose