Life Long Learner

Ep. 28 Learning from Running - Lessons from the trail - Resilience, Commitment Squad and Tribe



This week Matt interviews Gines! Most of the time when people find out what distances Gines runs, their response is 'Wow, you can run,' while he simply replies, 'Yeah you can say I like to run.'  During the chat the fellas explore what Gines has learned from running , why he does it and keeps bringing him back for me each time. They talk about being curious in finding out what the body is capable of and diving down a rabbit hole of running. Running has taught Gines first hand that the body is stronger than the  mind initial thinks and when you can master your mind you can train your mind to be stronger than your body. This is where a form of resilience is born. The resilience that is needed to push through a tough point in an ultra marathon has taught Gines to face day to day challenges with a higher amount of ease. We learn that running is not just running, the mental side is very strong in the sport.  Gines also talks about his tribe. The difference between a 'cheer squad' and a 'commit squ