Life Long Learner

Ep. 29 Learning from Hope



According to the dictionary Hope is defined by - "a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen." Hope is something to look forward too. Also hope is a mindset, that can be influenced by changing perspectives. So often our hope is dictated by our surroundings, our environment, imagine cultivating hope regardless of what is happening around you. Imagine finding peace in the midst of chaos. Gines and Matt chat about the difference between Faith and Hope. Faith seems to be about belief. A belief system associated with yourself, someone, a group, something larger than you. When we hear that word so many of use reject the entire concept of faith due to all the stigma associated with religion. Is it possible that we have confused religion with faith!? Is that why we don’t trust it? Hope is a little less of a leap, it can be seen associated with a tangible outcome.... this is easier for us to grasp... and is less tainted by history. In our society we have learnt if you can’t see it it isn’t th