
Wei The Spirit of Sarahalalt #mindset



Wei are Looking 4 Divine Ears and Fingers 2 Transcribe Our Latest Creations!! These Messages come straight from Dah Creator through our Vessel!! Let us Know what yah feel and Pleasee Connect with us 4 Writing and Transcribing Purposes!! #mindset_DetoxTV #messiah_movement #TheChurchofMindset #demystifyingawarenesstour. Cash App $Elijahthemessenger PayPal.me/tuoflife Wei Appreciate All Yah Seeds Our Tribe Is In full force and Wei Operate 100% off of Love Seeds/Donations and Equivalent ENERGIES Xchange!! Open up Dah empty spaces in our #mindset Great Day 2 Yah, Are Yah an Enlightened Being? Do yah Have Great communication on Enlightenment #mindset_DetoxTV "Mental Aura" --------------------------- "Mind has got aura (mental aura or psychic aura). Aura is Tejas, brilliance or halo that emanates from the mind. The aura of those who have developed their minds is extremely effulgent. It can travel long distances and affect in a beneficial manner a large number of persons who come under its influence.