Wathnail Rovers

Cats Funeral



The Cats Funeral took place last Wednesday at Wathnail Parish Church, he passed away peacefully in his sleep after a short illness. Patrick Kapengwe will be sadly missed in the town and I want to thank all of you for your messages of condolences and all of your tributes left outside the ground expressing your deep sorrow at the sad news. However knowing Patrick as I did I am certain he would have been absolutely thrilled at the turnout on Wednesday, the big names from the game who attended astonished even me, and I am not easily astonished. We had ex-managers, fellow goalkeepers, big name players and at least a couple of what I’d term true superstars of the game, men who if they were still playing now would be almost priceless. Patrick was cremated as per his wishes and I also read a short eulogy at the end of the service, afterwards most of the congregation met up at the Flag and Staff for the wake. All very respectful, even Les Sparxx of the Sunshine Coach Company and our own Darren Throttle laid off... &#