Fiber Hooligan

Cecilia Nelson-Hurt (04-27-2020): At the intersection of passion & purpose



Monday (04/27/2020) my guest will be Cecilia Nelson-Hurt. As a Diversity & Inclusion practitioner, Cecilia Nelson-Hurt has over 15 years of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion experience. Currently, Cecilia serves as the Assistant Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion at L'Oréal USA where she is responsible for shaping diversity efforts through innovative initiatives that underscore the company’s commitment to creating an equal opportunity workplace. In addition to leading the company's affinity groups for the LGBTQIA and Women of Color employees, Cecilia is also responsible for the curriculum development and facilitation of all L’Oréal USA Diversity & Inclusion trainings, having trained over 15,000 employees to date.  Her maternal grandmother first introduced Cecilia to the fiber arts, she learned to crochet when she was very young. Cecilia later taught herself to knit and has been an avid knitter for over 20 years.  At the intersection of passion & purpose, Cecilia combines her love fo