From The Band Room At Queen Anne's County Hs

From the Band Room - Show 3 - December 4, 2009



From the Band Room at Queen Anne's County HS is a monthly Podcast series presented on the first Friday of the month. It is a is a show that shares the latest happenings in the band program as well as all of our upcoming events. We also dive into a little music history along the way and finish with a spotlight on one of our various ensembles and what they are working on. In this show Brittany and Becca will take a look back at what the band accomplished in November and then share our coming events. Kyle will share more moments in Classical Music History and Steven will share our Pop Music History. We also added a new segment, "A Student Experience" and Jesse shares his experience from participating in the first ever TOB All-Star Marching Band. This month our spotlight is on the Jazz as they prepare for the winter concert.