
Don't Worry About Being Funny & Stumbling Into Brilliance — Rachael Mason



Rachael began her career in improvisation at Skidmore College, home of the National College Comedy Festival, with the Ad-Liberal Artists. After graduating with a degree in English Literature (concentrating on Shakespearean Studies) she moved to Chicago to study improv comedy with Del Close. Currently the head of Advanced Improvisation at The Second City, she created the Dramatic Improv programs as well as The History of Satire Series for The Second City Training Center. Rachael has performed musical improv with Baby Wants Candy at The Edinburgh Fringe Festival, directed and performed at The Annoyance Theater, and she was Training Center Director at iO Theater for 8 years. She is part of the cast of The Second City Improv All-Stars and performs in The Boys, with Susan Messing.