Astronomy 141 - Life In The Universe - Autumn Quarter 2009

Lecture 38: The Pale Blue Dot - Seeking Other Earths



Are there other Earths out there? Do they have life on them? This lecture looks at the search for ExoEarths - Earth-sized planets in the habitable zones of their parent stars, and what we might learn from measuring them. The ultimate goal of all planet searches is to find other Earth's, what the late Carl Sagan so poetically called the "pale blue dot" as seen from the depths of space. This lecture discusses what we might learn about such planets from studies of our own Earth, spectroscopic biomarkers that might reveal life, and variability studies that might give us insight into surface features (continents and oceans) and weather (clouds and even climate). Recorded live on 2009 Nov 19 in Room 1005 Smith Laboratory on the Columbus campus of The Ohio State University.