Uu Church Of Kent Ohio

Hard Edges and Soft Wonder



Image by Marc Pascual from Pixabay Sunday, February 16, 2020 Led by Rev. Steven Protzman Christine Valters Paintner writes: "Perhaps this is life’s most exalted and exacting task, holding the hard edges against the soft wonder."  After one of life's struggles or losses, in the face of adversity and the divisive times we find ourselves living in, how do we go on?  This service will explore February's Soul Matters theme of resilience and invite us to reflect on how we not only survive life's difficult times but learn to thrive. Other participants today were Worship Associate Dani Beale, RE Director Colleen Thoele, Allison Voneida (cello), Vanessa Vesely (piano), and Shirley Kiernan (violin). Sunday morning services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 with nursery care available during both services.