Future Dads Club

Why does this matter?



Outside of this whole future dad thing being what my friend described as the only time you'll have "stress filled fun", one of the reasons I believe I needed to undergo this self reflective process was synthesized by a pair of voices I've recently enjoyed listening to on the "find the outside" Podcast.  On an episode where they reflect on their ancestors, Tim and Tuesday shared the idea that quote "We are already ancestors, by virtue of being alive".  That struck me as a powerful way of looking at what it is I'm trying to create, impart, share and participate in as a future dad.  One of the things that can create lasting memories is how intense the emotions are.  The more intense, the longer one remembers.  So taking stock of what may have influenced me, what memories have lingered, and what intense emotions may accompany them, might help me be a more present dad. Inshallah.   It's also heartening to know I'm in good company.  A 2015 report on Parenting in America by the Pew Research center stated that 57% of