Raging Titter Radio's Podcast Offerings

Buck Roger Is My Life Coach Episode 28



Greetings, Greetings fellow Buckers! We've got quite a show and discussion for you today! While looking for fuel, Buck, Wilma, and Hawk stumble upon a lost and disoriented blonde woman and a monster made entirely of whatever was under car upholstery in the early 80s. Who hasn't had that road trip adventure? Right? Bonus! Crichton is an asshole and an idiot in this very special episode. We produce this podcast with healthy doses of love for fans of SciFi, Science Fiction, Action, Adventure, 70s Television, 80s Television, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, Wilma Deering, Dr. Huer, Twiki, Dr. Theopolis, Gil Gerard, Erin Gray, Tim O’Connor, Felix Silla, Mel Blanc, Rewatch Podcasts