Kids Love Balloons

Episode 41: Belinda Kirwan



Belinda Kirwan is an actor, screenwriter, producer, teacher and dead set legend! Recently she's been co-creating a TV series HActresses, which has become a web series of seven episodes you can watch on YouTube right after you listen to this podcast. You'll recognise many popular Australian personalities including bloody champion Jo Stanley (who features on episode 22 of Kids Love Balloons!).We discuss how tough it can be to achieve your career and creative goals, the struggles you have to persist through, that you may have to take detours and twists and turns to progress, and how to put a smile on your face while you're enduring it all.If you ever experience self-doubt or aren't sure if what you're doing is right or wondering if it's just you finding things so hard - know that you're not alone. Belinda's been there, I'm there regularly, and the characters in this show certainly feel that way.Thanks for listening.Say g'day or say get stuffed @ TheSongNerd