Kids Love Balloons

Episode 42: Nicole Hayes



Author of five published books with more on the way, a podcast which has been picked up by newspaper and radio entities, teaching masterclasses; Nicole Hayes is a creative guru and won't slow down any time soon. After our chat I believe her extreme creative output has plenty to do with how happy she is on a regular basis. That happiness becomes positive energy shared with those around her, and the world is a better place. This episode of Kids Love Balloons is one big "HELL YEAH" to being creative. If there's an idea somewhere in the back of your mind, do yourself some justice and make some time to play with it.We each look forward to the AFLW season starting this week! Her podcast The Outer Sanctum made enormous waves in Melbourne and the footy community in 2017 and promises to do so again. Get around it - the team of women behind that is something special.Pearl Jam, Sublime and Bruce Springsteen add positions to the Ever-growing Playlist of Joy which takes it to the next level of elite! Discussing this music