Sarasota Manatee Home Town Heroes

Dennis Blanchard



Dennis Blanchard is a long time advocate of women's rights as well as an all-around interesting fellow.  He has been a lifelong amateur radio operator and a volunteer at WSLR.   He has hiked the Appalachian Trail and is a member of the Appalachian Trail located in Sarasota, a member of NOW (National Organization for Women) serving on the state board, a member of the Coalition for Peace and Justice, and a member of Veterans for Common Sense.  In this interview he shares how his parents and other people who entered his life while he was a young boy helped to shape him and make him who he is today.   Some links mentioned:  NOW (, 800-301-8604) South West Florida Coalition for Peace and Justice ( Toastmasters ( 927-5665) Appalachian Trail Club ( 921-1467)  Veterans for Common Sense (