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Listen To This If You Want To Reignite Your Fire - Tuan Nguyen



Tuan Nguyen is an awesome and conscious bizdad and three time TEDx Speaker. Working under 30 hours a week, Tuan founded and directs HealthGenie - business advisory firm for dental groups. He runs an invite-only bizdad tribe called DudeBuddha to support bizdads in growing businesses while building deeper connections with themselves and their families. He also spreads love, positivity and hugs around the world with his apparel company called Let’s Hug It Out and a printing company for clothing. He runs all this at under 30 hours a week of work! Previously, he built and sold a marketing agency and a multi-million dollar online directory ( and has raised millions of dollars for various charities across the globe. ASIDE FROM ALL THAT, Tuan is someone who helped reignite my fire; and I knew from the very first time I heard him speak that i wanted to share his words with all of you. I hope you all enjoy this episode as much as I enjoyed recording it! Also the link to purchase tickets to the CASCO gal