Liv To Share

Let's Be Real



Some would call it group therapy… we just like to keep it real. Sharing, listening and being vulnerable. These humans have inspired me in so many ways. I can honestly say I would not be the person I am today had I not been able to share conversations, thoughts and be held & supported by them. Even though our paths all crossed through different periods of our lives, it's been a blessing to be able to share a space with them.Some topics that came up for us were: How does being more conscious of our thoughts and emotions impact our everyday lives? Does comfortability kill growth? Are you in a co-dependent friendship/relationship? Why do we feel insecure & how do we not project it onto other people? What does unconditional love mean to you? Eve, Kiara & Liam have inspired me in so many ways and I am so excited they’re here to share with all of you their insights & wisdom. Much love & share always x