Waking Up Orwell

SEASON FINALE: Triple Treat: Erasing David, Edwin Black & Florida v. Real ID



THIS WEEK ON WAKING UP ORWELL: EDWIN BLACK * ERASING DAVID* FLORIDIANS AGAINST REAL ID  Waking Up Orwell is taking the Summer off so we can focus on developing a classic analog technology, tried and true, to create futuristic revenue streams.  We return in the fall.  You'll like it when we do.   WHEN YOU DELETE YOUR FACEBOOK...kiss your friends goodbye with some Miami basics c/o DJ Ryan Morales.  http://ryanmorales.podOmatic.com/entry/2010-04-29T18_05_10-07_00  Should The Government Take on Facebook? http://roomfordebate.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/05/25/should-government-take-on-facebook/ ON FILM:  David Bond celebrates UK moments of Liberty and his attempt to erase himself in privacy thriller Erasing David  [@32:07] David Bond producer of UK film Erasing David speaks with us about the UK's recent decision to move away from their national identity program and a new direction for their civil liberty.   Bond's film was 3 years in the making.  His discover