Rachel Mbeh Talkshow

Gratitude: Readiness to Show appreciation and to return kindness



We constantly complain about things we don't have rather than focusing on things we have and being grateful. We cry, wail and whine about everything we don't have yet when we count our blessings we have more than enough, we have more than others have, we have clean water, heat, food and a place to live. On the contrary, there are many people including kids who don't even have access to clean water or food or a place to call home yet we who may have it forget to see the great blessings in having the little we have that someone else doesn't have. We have to thank God, we have to show God kindness as a way of gratitude. We can show gratitude to God is by helping others in need, reaching out to those who need help. For instance, if God healed you from any sickness, you ought to tell others that God is a healer and let them receive Him so they can also benefit. Being grateful and thankful to our friends and families is also very important for many people don't have loved ones and we shouldn't take that for granted