The Nth Degree Podcast With Tracy Timm

TND #51: How To Be Successful In Life And Career w/ Mary Ann Timm & Tracy Timm



Want to know how to sustain a successful 30+ year career, love what you do for a living, raise a family, and over just be a badass at life? Look no further than the one and only, mother of Tracy, Mary Ann Timm. Ok, I know... cheesy! But seriously, y'all, this woman has it together. She found work she loved at a young age, but most impressively, she was able to build a sustainable career and spend the last 30+ years in an industry she loves. I don't know about you, but loving something for THAT LONG is enviable, at the least! During our show, Mary Ann will talk about the tools she's used to build a sustainable AND successful life and career. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from her wisdom, and enjoy the always entertaining energy that we share!