Revealing Conversations With Petra

Revealing Conversation with Petra Nicoll & Author Will Schneider



Guest: Will Schneider Lucifer’s Game: You’re playing it whether you know it or not!  Will Schneider is a full-time writer living in the wine country of Sonoma County, north of San Francisco.   An adventurer at heart, and naturally drawn to the ‘edge’ of things, his current passion is kayaking along the wild Pacific coast. Will has equally experienced a calling to explore and push the boundaries of his inner world, having spent decades immersed in the study of various metaphysical traditions. Thirty-five years of deep training from a variety of exceptional spiritual teachings has allowed him to develop a wide-ranging platform of knowledge and understanding regarding the human inner landscape and our potential range of consciousness. Lucifer’s Game is an intriguing novel, which explores the ebb and flow between the ‘light’ and the ‘shadow’ within us all.   Your Host: Transformational Story Coach, Petra Nicoll Petra's trials and tribulations in her own life have inspired her b