Author Inc

Interview with Cheryl Carrigan with Host Kyra Schaefer



Cheryl Carrigan has her MA in Clinical Psychology, Inspirational Mentor/Coach, Pulished Author, Certified Angel Reader, Ordained Priest. Certified Mediation Instructor. Cheryl has spent over 20 years inspiring people of all walks of life to live happy. She has a special gift that inspires people to go inside and find that little spark that is inside each of us just waiting for the breath of air to ignite it. Cheryl loves to share the ah-ha moment when, she was brave enough to take a deep breath in and everything started to unfold for her. That is what Cheryl does best ... She helps people ignite their souls to live ...truly live happy! As an Inspirational Author, Speaker, Teacher and mentor. The beneifts of Cheryl presentations are.... Cheryl brings an energy to the room that rocks people souls. She creates the space and energy for people to go inside and find their own little spark and ignite it with her zest for life ... Inspiring each of us to live ...truly live ....happy! Cheryl offers a variety presen