Scott Cluthe's Love Cafe

Intuitive Carmen Harra, PhD LIVE on Scott Cluthe's LOVE Cafe Radio



Join Scott in The LOVE Cafe FB Group The New LOVE Cafe Web Site-Join Newsletter HERE LIVE Thursday- 3 PM EST- 2 CST- 1 PM  MST- 12 NOON PST with Scott Cluthe and Carmen Harra, Ph D. on LOVE Cafe Radio The Ides of March Approches ! - Yes it feels just a little Shakespearian right now ! Carmen Harra, Ph.D., joins me LIVE today as we spin into the New Age of Aquarius...which just now has gotten under way. Hold on to your sippy cups !  Just like a Box of Choclates with this New Age you Never Know What You Are Getting Till You Open It ! If a Twitter Tweets a Lie Told Twice do 2 wrongs make a right ? and other postulates LIVE on LOVE Cafe Radio . What does Your Future Hold For You ? Some of us think it will be a short window to the answers. Surprising answers in a turbulent year ahead. Call in for this world famous Intuitive LIVE 2 Nite Carmen Harra, Ph.D. is a gifted Intuitive and host of a highly rated radio show in NYC on WABC. She joins LOVE Cafe host Scott Cluthe to give her psychic impressions of wh