The Quantum Communicator

The "Birthquake" with John Sherry, the Energy Reader



Once again, the "Energy Reader," John Sherry, joins me for another fantastic interview!  This time we go beyond the basics as he tells us about a "shift" that's occurring right now on the planet.  Learn what this means not only for our personal lives, but also how this will affect the large industries and businesses. John also tells us about the "Birthquake," and what that means to us, and how we can use this to bring out the best in us and the people around us. Finally, John shares with us his forecast for 2016, and what it means to us right here, right now. John has worked with energy all his life. As a child he would see colours everywhere and feel the energy of them and in all the people that he met. But, not knowing the ability that he had, he began to live a ‘normal’ life of work and went into the sports industry. His energy though would not die, instead it grew to get his attention leading me to great spiritual experiences, work in life coaching, setting up an Inspiration Club, and trusting his int